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Hope and Healing Through Connection

DHH is a dynamic non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing quality of life through the provision of non-medical support for those affected by or caring for an individual with a life-threatening illness, as well as bereavement support.

Upcoming Events


Please contact Doane House Hospice at 905-967-0259 for details or ticket information regarding any of our events.


A Death Café is a group directed discussion of death, with no agenda, objectives or themes. It is a discussion group, not a support group or counselling session. It’s a respectful, life affirming, thought provoking conversation about a topic that is often shied away from. For more information, contact Chrissie Flynn at

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Picture This

Help sustain the Art Therapy program by purchasing prints of some of the art created by the clients.

Featured Art From the

Art Therapy Program

Art Therapy is a different approach to traditional talk therapy, where participants can use the art process to express thoughts and feelings they may not know how to otherwise express.