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Help sustain the Art Therapy program by purchasing prints of some of the art created by the clients.
DHH is a dynamic non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing quality of life through the provision of non-medical support for those affected by or caring for an individual with a life-threatening illness, as well as bereavement support.
The Art Therapy Program at Doane House Hospice is available to everyone, from toddlers to adults, and provides a unique outlet for expressing thoughts and emotions, especially when verbalizing them becomes too difficult. In addition to the programs listed below, we also offer art therapy programs for students within the York Region District School Board.
Doane House Hospice Art Therapy Programs
(Individual and Group Sessions)
Tot, Child, Teen Anticipatory Art Therapy
Tot, Child, Teen Bereavement Art Therapy
Newly-Diagnosed Art Therapy
Adult Caregiver Art Therapy
Adult Bereavement Art Therapy
"Art Therapy is a wonderful way to deal with what is too painful for words"
"Being together fills a big void and allows me to be relaxed and worry free for a couple of hours"
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The Art Therapy Program provides an opportunity for all clients to express their deep feelings of fear, anxiety, anticipatory grief, and loss. For members of the Newly-Diagnosed Art Therapy Group, this healing modality promotes physical and emotional healing, and gives meaning to life following a difficult diagnosis, trauma to the body, or aggressive medical treatments. This artist began with a tentative depiction of her family and reveals the feeling of being alone within her family, but under pressure to support all of the family members. Enlightenment, painted at the end of the 8-week group symbolizes a feeling of empowerment and hope which she gained from the support of the group members and facilitators. This artist was amazed to find that she had new found strengths and gifts and could better understand the fears and anxieties of her own family. As an Art Therapist, it is an honour to witness individuals making connections and finding and sharing their own on-going healing associations.
If you would like information about specific Doane House events, please call 905-967-0259 or email questions or comments to info@doanehospice.org.
Help sustain the Art Therapy program by purchasing prints of some of the art created by the clients.
Art Therapy is a different approach to traditional talk therapy, where participants can use the art process to express thoughts and feelings they may not know how to otherwise express.